Sunday, January 25, 2009


After watching the new NOTORIOUS B.I.G movie that lasted 2 hours, my BFF and I were getting pretty hungry. It was 9pm on a Thursday, and we thought Fressen would be closed (due to the sensitive nature of the vegans who run the restaurant.) We decided to be adventurous and walk up to Queen West in the freezing cold and call to make a reservation so they wouldn't hate us, showing up late and unexpected.... we basically didn't want any vegan spit in our food. Long story short, we showed up, sat down, and got the service from a waitress that could have been taken straight from an SNL skit. She mumbled the daily specials as her head was down, lighting our candles, then and walked off before we could ask her anything. Needless to say, we burst out laughing in shock and eventually ended up being served by another woman who was slightly happier, yet looking like she'd had a long day putting up with asshole vegans. We decided to order 4 main dishes (to share) and one side of sauteed spinach sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds. The mushroom dish and veggie "pizza" tasted pretty good for the fact that everything was vegan. Flavourful, gracious portions and satisfactory prices, Fressen is a good place to go to if you want to knock faux leather boots with your ex yoga teacher who is now a singer, sipping red organic wine at the table next to you. I must say, it's a great place to over-hear conversations. When we first entered we saw a couple, the man was wearing a Velvet hat with a feather attached to the side and some cowboy attire, while the swooning lady he was with exclaimed: "Oh like...know everyone who's dated a famous person before!" I could practically see her drooling all over her tofu dish as I watched two up-tight ladies walk in with yoga mats on their backs.
Overall, I give Fressen a 2.5/5 on my D+D scale